
Wednesday, 28 November 2018


For literacy our focus is working on different styles of writing. For our information report we had a choice between the pyramids of Egypt or the extreme weather.   the hardest thing that I had to do was making it

Friday, 23 November 2018

summer learning journey 2018-2019 prize

for the hoildays we are doing a summer learning journey we have to get something under $50 I think I would like a
Image result for ps4 gift card $50

Thursday, 18 October 2018

Narratives,characters and questions

Walt:We are learning to ask questions before, during and after reading to engage with the text and make inferences.

narratives/ all I know about narratives that it is a fake story
what do you know about narratives?
Characters/ what I know about characters are that there are a main character the side characters and secondary characters.
what do you know about character's?

what do you know about questions. A question is when you ask someone about something.

Friday, 28 September 2018

how to make a quality blog comment

we have been creating a slideshow to teach others how to make a quailty blog comment. aa blog comment has to have a positive, helpful, thoughtful.

Tuesday, 25 September 2018

science change

For science for the last 10 weeks we have been learning about chemical reactions. For our chemical reactions we got a bottle and a cork and baking soda and vinegar. When it was cold and rainy one day we had to do it inside and when we did it the cork

Friday, 14 September 2018

calendar art

For calendar art this week we have learnt blending colors with paint. I really enjoyed painting but i found out it different to get crispy lines. first we sketch and out line. then we started at the top then we worked down.

Friday, 31 August 2018

cinquain poem

In literacy I have been making some Cinquain. And i made one about car we have been making acrostic poems and triplet poems. So i hope you like my Cinquain poem.

                                               Fast, dangerous
                                       Zooming, amazing, consuming
                                     Zooming with the windows down

                                              NISSAN GTR R34

my school poems

In literacy we have been making poems. The poems that we have been doing are limericks. Limericks are the ones that we did in term one. The next one that we did is acrostic poems. acrostic poems are the ones that we did in term two.

                                    Annoying, sad
Angry, confusing , hangry
I am a person that is confused

Tuesday, 28 August 2018

my Patrick poem

In literacy we have been making poems. I'm going to tell you the poems that we have been doing we have been doing limericks, acrostic, triplet poems the one that I did was a limerick It is about a person called Patrick.

There once was a Stewart named Patrick
Whose life was an extended hat trick
From Picard to Xavier
He’s a geek savior

And quite a bad ass

Thursday, 9 August 2018

In science we are learning about change. Change happens when we mix or combine two different reactants substances together. When this happens a chemical reaction takes place.

Thursday, 2 August 2018


I am starting to learn about science  and change this is what I found art today what new information can you tell me more information.
Image result for Chemical ReactionImage result for Chemical Reaction

Thursday, 5 July 2018

visual arts


                    VISUAL ART
For the last 6 weeks we have been learning about tattoos my goal was to finish it. first we had to do a draft then we drawled another copy be time i finished my drawing it was nearly the day the parents were coming to have a Hangi with there family. The thing that was challenging was to draw the purtures. And the easy thing was to vivid the drawing.  

Thursday, 17 May 2018

For our S.T.E.M. we made a bird feeder by ourselves and we called the teachers for some help too,Ashton, Divontae, Levi,And I helped each other.So we made a bird feeder by helping each other,so here's what we got.

Wednesday, 4 April 2018

Are monsters real or not

 Today we have been writing about monster in the rangtan river in the writing we had to put a sarting bit but we only your aloud to do 2 sentence then we had to to 3 reasons about monster in the rangtan riverand say way and then we had to do the ending of the sentence so you only need like 5 paragraphs then your done. 

                Are monsters real or not

If you think monsters are not real but they are real you might have not seen a monster before. But i did i didn't really see one at first but my hole house was destroyed then I seen one.

First if someone has died in your house and you think that they are not the they are there with you every second in your life if you stay in the some house.

Second if you go into a haunted house and you summon the demons they can follow you to your house and stay there forever. Unless you get it out of your house or you move places.

Monday, 26 March 2018

Maui dolphin

In literacy we have been reading Maui and then we had to make a poster to convince people to help them to not suffer.In reading we have been learning to write about persuasive writing

Friday, 16 March 2018

My birthday

    this is one of the best writings that I have done in my life enjoy

Friday, 9 March 2018

we looked at a picture and thought critically about it we use lots of reflective question to think about the picture.

I found It challenging to write it.

The world’s smallest door

   In literacy I have been learning about the world's smallest door

we looked at a picture and thought critically about it. we use lots of reflective questions to think about the picture. 

I found it challenging to write about how we went if we went throw the door 

Friday, 2 March 2018

being responsible with chromecooks

In cybersmart I have been learning about being responsible with chromebooks. first we put our prior know on a palet. then we buddied up an create a poster or infographin about being responsible with chromebooks. I found it hard to write the words. I found it easy to found the shapes.