
Friday, 29 May 2020

Monday, 25 May 2020

water slides

  Hello welcome to my blog
Last week I made a slide show of water slides
please comment

Mars Rover

Kia Ora welcome to my blog 

today I made a DLO of mars rover. This is my slide show

Tuesday, 19 May 2020


this is my blockbuster movie

Cruising for a Bruising
Action movie 

There were two guys, Bruce/Tank was 20 and Braxton was 19. They live in Washington DC. Tank and Braxton were at Tank’s house drinking. It was on a Friday night, they were talking and realised life was boring. “We need to do something fun,” said Braxton. ”How about stealing some cars?” Said Tank laughing. “What are you, insane?” Said Braxton, they both laughed. The next night {Saturday} they broke into Tank’s step dad’s garage with his keys he left on the bench and stole his step dad's Porsche. They took it for a joy ride around the city. “Man my step dad will kill me when he gets home” says tank to Braxton as they zoomed off. VROOM….

They snuck the Porsche home without anyone noticing, which made them think that was easy so they want to steal again. Monday came around and they decided to use their savings to get airline tickets so they can go to New York. Monday night, they fly from Washington to New York and crash at Tank’s mate’s place. The next morning,

Friday, 15 May 2020

Comic Man

This is what i have done for my reading on the journal Comic Man 

Comic Man

Comic Man

Monday, 11 May 2020

Interpreting Graphs - Maths

Interpreting Graphs

Today's Maths (11/5/20)

Making Ends Meet - Math

Making Ends Meet
For math, we had to make a weekly menu for our family. We needed to find prices and quantities for the meals. I think the quantities and prices for my menu was the hardest part. I enjoyed choosing the meals for the menu. I learned shopping costs a lot of money. I also appreciate mum and dad shopping for us because it's pretty hard and costs a lot.

Wednesday, 6 May 2020

making ends meet menu

What I have done so far on my menu.
Just need to complete shopping list and upload recipes. 

Yesterday and today's maths

Yesterday and Today's maths. 

Monday, 4 May 2020

Today’s fractions

Today’s fractions slide 21

Friday, 1 May 2020

Book cover for reading

This is my creation of a new book cover for the story Dive more work to come