
Friday, 26 February 2021


Hello welcome to my blog

Aerodynamics is the way air moves around things. The rules of aerodynamics explain how an air plane is able to fly. Anything that moves through air reacts to aerodynamics


Wednesday, 24 February 2021

safety and hygiene

 Food safety and Hygiene words that I came up with 




Last week we made scones.

3 c Plain Flour
6 t Baking Powder (level)
¼ t Salt
75g  Cold Butter
1 to 1 ½ c Milk
2 T Sugar (optional)
  1. Sift flour, baking powder, and salt into a bowl

  2. Cut butter into small cubes. Rub the butter into the flour, baking powder, salt gently with fingertips until it resembles fine breadcrumbs. Add sugar (optional)

  3. Add milk gradually. Mix quickly with a knife to form a soft dough (the amount of milk required depends on a number of factors)

  4. Lightly knead the scone dough a few times on a lightly floured tabletop

  5. Pat dough out into a rectangular shape (about 2cm - 2.5 cm thick)

  6. Cut scone dough into 8 - 10 even-sized pieces 

  7. Place scones onto the oven tray lined with baking paper. Keep them quite close together towards the centre of the tray

  8. Brush with milk

  9. Bake at 200°C  Bake for  about 8 - 10 minutes until lightly golden and cooked ( you can use Fanbake fuScones Recipe | AllrecipesI like scones because they are tasty and soft. But our scones weren't yum they tasted really bad. They were a colour of light brown and white and they didn't look the greatest. I think you should try to make some scones and see if yours are better than ours.

Wednesday, 17 February 2021

savoury bread cases - Home Economics

 Hi my name is Harry and me and my class made savoury bread cases

these are some of the ingredients for the savoury bread cases:

tinned spaghetti 

sliced bread

grated cheese 




my team worked really good together


y team worked really well with telling each other what to do and telling each other the roles that we had to do.  The savoury cases they looked like they were a light brown colour but a little bit white as well. they smelt really nice because you could smell the spaghetti and the cheese you couldn't really smell the pineapple because I was under all the cheese and the cheese was masking the smell of the pineapple. the texture of the savoury cases was hard but crunchy. In some areas of the savoury case, it was really nice and crunchy in some places but in the other places, it was quite hard to bite. I think I can do better if my team was a bit quicker but we weren't the lucky last to finish. 

I defiantly think that you should try this out thank you for listening.

 Today we had to write a 100 word challenge about magical bubbles that take you anywhere that you want to go. where would yo want to go? 

I went for a walk one day just around my block. I saw these things just falling from the sky.

They looked like bubbles but they had someone or something in them. What is this what I think it is?

Are those aliens? But when they landed they were just humans not aliens. I ran up to them and asked them what they were in and they told me that they are magical bubbles

they take you anywhere you want to go. I really wanted to go to pairs at that time so I asked if I could use it.Image result for magic bubbles